Todas las entradas de: Gracielaaa

No me ama

¿Qué tiene ella que no tenga yo?
Tan feliz te ves a su lado
Dudo que ella te quiera como lo hago yo
Eso no es amor.

Su veneno en ti ha inyectado
Te ha cegado.

Déjame demostrarte
Lo que puedo hacer por ti
Yo te haré sentir
Algo a lo que llamamos amor.


I always thought “Love” was such a simple word. I was so wrong. Love is more than a word, is more than a feeling. Fall deeper in love with someone: It can either hurt you or can make you the happiest person in the world. Find the perfect person. Spend time with him or her. You gotta love it. Hours in front of the mirror, you want to look perfect. Stupid cupid. Dumb actions. The only one that can make you feel this way. No matter what they do or what they say or how many times they may hurt you. You won’t let them go just because… they might be your true love. Sigue Leyendo...


She’s like normal girl. Oh no, not really. She’s hurt. She has a broken heart. She doesn’t seems to be, she don’t like to seem hurt; even when she’s dying. Help me. I need chocolate. Nobody understands her. She’s now ashamed. She’s making the same mistakes. Everything’s a mess. Maybe she shouldn’t be writing this now. I must write this. I need to spend more time with you. I need it. It hurts so bad but I love you. I’m not feeling well. It feels like butterflies. No, it doesn’t. It’s like poison. Shut up. Don’t lie. Love me. She’s confused. Are they the perfect couple? Please be mine. I’ll make you happy. Sigue Leyendo...

Una vez mas

Mil y un poemas puedo escribir
Mil y un “te amo” te puedo decir
Mil y un pensamientos pueden invadir mi cabeza
Poemas, palabras, pensamientos.. cosas ficticias.
Los verdaderos sentimientos me los guardo en el corazón;

Mentiras plasmadas en un papel
Son versos que puede escribir cualquiera
¿Que más da?, ya que, al final,
¿Qué perderas?